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  • Bozkurt

    the charges of part-time english teach in beijing

    can anyone tell me what is the average charge of the part-time english teacher in beijing?thanks alot.
    9 years agoin Teaching & Leaming-All
    Answers(7) Comments(0)
  • Israfilova9310
    Depends what subject,if it's ESL,it's about 200RMB/H.
    8 years ago
  • Long762
    Depends, if it's normal ESL teaching position would be 200rm per hour, but if it's other subjects, then more.
    8 years ago
  • Galen
    at least RMB200 per hour
    9 years ago
  • Wepke
    Depends, if it's normal ESL teaching position would be 200rm per hour, but if it's history or maths , then more.
    9 years ago
  • Garbby

    It may depends on where do you teach and who do you teach.I suggest you to be part-time teachers for adults; when I do part-time job, I use yespo,an human-powered translation and interpretation app, for help.They provide words translation as well as audio translation, I also use it in my daily life.

    9 years ago
  • Lizoto
    I've worked in Beijing, i was payed by 180 per hour
    9 years ago
  • Ritah
    should be around 200 per hour
    9 years ago

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