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  • lucy

    clothing size in china! >:(

    Is it just me or is any old random Number stuck onto the size of clothing here, even within the same shop one size will not match the another pant or shirt (different style)of same size . I recently bought several items, admittedly with out trying them on because i believed the label, silly me removed the tags and now i have to throw out loads of good clothing other than the fact that its not the right size. I would say lesson learned but when it comes to clothing I am rather clueless and will most likely repeat this mistake in the future, chinas fault.
    9 years agoin Shopping-All
    Answers(15) Comments(0)
  • NeilAsh
    Clothes size from small to large is S, M, L, XL, XXL ... L that large, that is large M said middle, is the larger XL than L, X more and more
    8 years ago
  • Kalpesh
    lit's very interesting.
    8 years ago
  • chinaexpat8808
    it's a little different with westerners', Chinese size is smaller, when you buy a cloth, choose the larger size than usual.
    8 years ago
  • Nikitchuk887
    You can go to H&M or forever 21,it's much better there.
    8 years ago
  • chinaexpat8809
    Just try more on and then find the size pefect for you
    8 years ago
  • Sali
    THey don't have my size in China, so always bring cloths from home.
    9 years ago
  • Patoni
    Go to the customed made shop.So you can have the perfect size.
    9 years ago
  • muqaddaskh

    I can't fit clothes in China, unless I buy the super fat-bastard stuff on Taobao. Depending on the day, I am between 203 and 205 centimeters.

    So I need to buy 6-7 XL. That means XXXXXXL, to XXXXXXXL. cool

    9 years ago
  • archibald

    Easy, either:

    1.- Do not buy unless tried on and fits.

    2.- If buying on websites, take your measurements and select size accordinly.

    I always do that, and avoid problems

    9 years ago
  • bulel

    A timely question. I have just been doing the Taobao thing looking for new shirts for work.

    Sizes for shirts are complicated. You can buy shirts based upon chest size and back/shoulder size and neck size. These 2 criteria don't appear to be connected in any way. If you buy based upon shoulder width the chest size is comparable to a sparrow and conversely if you buy based upon chest size the shoulder width is about the same as a coat hanger. Forget neck size.

    9 years ago

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