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  • weston

    Best reliable way to communicate to china

    ok, there is yahoo and google but as I understand,they are banned in china, then there is QQ and wechat but can their translations be trusted not filtered? And there is Skype which I never have used to communicate to people in china from the US So, which of these choices of communication via the internet are best are reliable don't cost and can be trusted that are allowed in china? Are there any other choices? and please, stick to the subject!
    9 years agoin Web & Technology-All
    Answers(30) Comments(0)
  • Agredano
    Wechat is the most commen communication APP used in China.
    7 years ago
  • Murugesan
    Wechat is the best choice.
    7 years ago
  • Essieku
    wechat is definitely the most convenient tool that i have ever used.
    7 years ago
  • yingt0903
    Off course is Wechat
    7 years ago
  • MonikaK
    I prefer wechat
    7 years ago
  • noblesix
    wechat, qq is uesd more often, whatsapp is rare.
    7 years ago
  • Helendu
    wechat is more useful and you can see people are doing wht.
    7 years ago
  • chinaexpat8801
    QQ is the first choice
    7 years ago
  • Vado2
    I like wechat, Chinese use it a lot
    8 years ago
  • Tripella
    Help! I've been reading up on whether I really need a VPN. Am I being paranoid or is it an essential part of China life? I found some reviews: does anyone have any experience they can share?
    8 years ago

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