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  • vagner

    Spring Festival. Is it a comparison time for Chinese?

    Of course, Chinese New Year is about the coming of Spring Time, being with family... dumplings, fire works... and a bunch of other traditional and heart-warming things.  But is it also the time you are criticized and judged the most by your family and neighbors? Seems like most Chinese are scared to death to return home to unsatisfied parents.

     A huge thing at Spring Festival is bringing home a new car (inflated car prices just before the CNY), buying new clothes, looking your best and basically trying to show off. Even most marriages are around this time, despite the poor bride having to dress in a wedding gown in the bitter cold (who cares right? We paid for her!).

     Is the CNY just a time for everyone to get together and compare who made the most money that year? A time of year for the neighbors to show off their new possessions? Does your Chinese family and friends seem to compare themselves with you during this time? 

    10 years agoin Culture-Fuzhou
    Answers(3) Comments(0)

    Not every family in China like to compare so much.

    8 years ago
  • Yang22
    Very unique,all family gathered for stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve
    8 years ago
    It depends. What families care the most is if you are satisfied with your life.
    9 years ago

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