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  • lucas

    Why do you think China is not one of the American Favored Nations?

    According to Gallup 2015 survey ,China is not one of the American Favored Nations. What do you think the reasons are for that?
    10 years agoin Culture-Shanghai
    Answers(5) Comments(2)
  • salsa1960
    China is a big country with rapid economy and huge number of population
    8 years ago
  • nick
    10 years ago
  • nick
    10 years ago
  • sabit
    Americans generally see China as their primary rival for world dominance so it's natural that their view is less than favorable. China is also commonly associated with taking jobs from Americans (people really oversimplify that one). Furthermore, anything related to communism is not going to go over well in America and although China is highly capitalist in many ways Americans don't like the idea of "Red China" very much. Oh yea, and Chinese products flooding American shelves are often thought of as low quality and unsafe. China's human rights record doesn't exactly win it any points either


    just to be part of the statistic,I am Canadian,USA is not on my list of very favorable, favorable, maybe squeaking in to MIXED.China is on my list of "favorable" . Largely because of the so far lack of violent crime.

    10 years ago
    10 years ago
  • udai

    Apart from the fact I despise those binary surveys, I don't think the common American folks ever proved a knowledge of the outside world that would enable me to give a shit about what they think. Same goes for any country, to be fair.

    Plus I'm sure we could draw a statistic of the opinions hammered by mainstream medias, it would more or less fit. Just looking at Israel/Palestine* says enough.

    Sorry, the "Palestinian Authority", we wouldn't make it sound like it's a country with actual people. *sigh* Sounds as dumb as China with Taiwan.


    Americans seem to know the difference between Japan and China. I don`t agree that Americans are clueless.
    10 years ago
    10 years ago

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